When it comes to hot drinks, almost half of us Brits choose tea as their favourite, which is no surprise to us given the amount of tea we get through! It ranks top, whether it’s milky or strong, sugar no sugar.
Off course we also have our favourite mug to drink it out of, our drink just doesn’t taste the same without it, we miss it if we have to drink out of something else. Check out our range of fine bone china mugs in different shapes from modern to traditional to suit all tastes. Tea Mug recommendation: Ash.
Coffee comes in second, which has traditionally been enjoyed in the UK since 1652 (when the first coffee house opened in London). Coffee Mug recommendation: Kent.
Hot chocolate takes third place, perfect for that freezing day all cuddled up in your warmest jumper, whipped cream & marshmallows help. Hot Chocolate Mug recommendation: Hug-a-Mug, almost like a warm hug in a mug.
Next come the healthy herbal teas whether it’s the caffeine free or the wonderful varieties of Green teas out there. Herbal Tea recommendation: Tulip.
Lastly it would be the new in trend lattes: matcha, turmeric, chai tea, beetroot. We love the tastes & colours to suit. Latte Mug recommendation: Latte.